

Client: Workspace and Customer Journey Consultancy

Project : Customer Experience Design


Workspace own and operate around 76 contemporary buildings that provide flexible office space to over 4,000 businesses in London.

Our Role

We worked in partnership with Customer Journey Consultancy over 5 years to develop a strategy and delivery plan to increase levels of customer satisfaction and retention across all their centres. This involved supporting Workspace to develop a focused customer-centric plan and support them with its day to day delivery.

What we helped them with:

  • Advised and supported them to create a CX strategy to improve retention and customer satisfaction.

  • Programme Management to bring the strategy to fruition.

  • Bringing People together - enabling collaboration between all areas of the business and their suppliers.

  • Developing a proven methodology to deliver results.


Projects that we worked on contributed to recommendation scores increasing by over 10 percentage points. This culminated in Workspace winning Gold in the ‘Customers at the Heart of Everything’ at the UK Customer Experience Awards.



We The Curious


Sustrans Wayfinding Strategy