Organisational Change

Aligning thinking.

Identifying capabilities.

Understanding the reality of current experience and engaging the organisation to change is the biggest challenge.

We know how to align thinking and identify the capabilities required to deliver change and harness value.

  • Usually it is only the customer that really understands the whole journey.

    To create that internally requires all the key functions to attend a workshop to review case studies to see how each function affects the experience. The workshop uses all the marketing materials, letters, calls, agent notes and outcomes that make up the journey. A case study identifies a great persona to bring the customer life.

    This enables the organisation to understand what the journey really is, not a hypothetical one. Not only does this bring teams together, but identifies the real issues that customers want; not what is most convenient for the organisation to address.

  • To drive real change requires teams to understand each other and agree to work together. We act as ‘cultural brokers’ to translate customer need into language that different areas from marketing, operations, sales and HR understand, to be able to boost the experience and the corresponding loyalty and recommendation.

    Our ethical and transparent approach develops trust between the teams and aligns thinking. We mobilise influencers at all levels of the organisation to build momentum for change at a speed that can be delivered.

  • We have worked with many clients to demonstrate that the ‘To Be’ customer experience will work in practice and learn how to improve the experience through proving trials and continuous improvement.

    Not only does this bring sometimes reluctant operators into the fold but also brings the brief to life by helping operators ‘get their head around’ how the operation will work and what it will mean to them and their teams. Bring operational confidence to programme.

    This also reduces design costs by reducing risk and removing any unnecessary stakeholder requirements.

  • Once design certainty has been reached there can often be a range of competing forces to value-engineer the design and redefine the requirements.

    We act on behalf of the client to ensure these changes do not affect the business benefits or the ability of the teams to operate successfully in the operating model.

    If change is required to ensure the client and operators understand the implications and the costs of doing so.

  • Having developed the ‘To Be’ experience we are often asked to lead the programme of work necessary to deliver the benefits and experience.

    We are familiar with MSP to provide the leadership to align teams and organisations behind a common vision of the end-game.

    We ensure the right things get done and ensure the right teams are recruited and developed to make change happen and drive the business benefits.

  • An essential part of the brief is to develop the Concept of Operation or Target Operating Model.

    This sets out how the building and immediate environment will work. It is pulled together from the business case, user need and the wider business benefits.

    This then informs the physical design of the building; ensuring it is future-proofed for future operating modes and resilient for a risk-assessed set of eventualities.

  • One of the most important lessons we can learn about resilience is that it works best when it can respond with flexibility to deal with any given crisis. Resilience, almost by definition, must be able to adapt.

    However, creating this kind of flexible approach is tough: businesses (and the bodies that regulate them) almost always prefer a ‘tick box’ approach to risk-management. And, while a set of minimum ‘resilience’ standards can be a useful starting point, too many tick boxes can prevent innovation and limit excellence.

    We have worked with a variety of organisations to understand what resilience means to different organisations; understanding the balance of risk and capability.